Unified stablecoin strategies with variying risk levels

I’m long time summer.fi user, DeFi user in general and early Lazy Summer user.
I would really like to see less granular vaults with knobs that differeniate based on risk levels. Right now we have 4 stable vaults across 3 chains and 2 stables. While it gives users a choice (w.r.t. risk and preference), I think it is suboptimal from the perspective of ease of use and potential yield optimization.
I think there are various knobs that impact risk, strategy, yield. Right now some knobs are curated by Summer.fi (the choice of DeFI protocols), while others need to be curated by user (the choice of stable coin and chain).
For me, it would be great if Summer.fi could curate them as well and I would simply choose the kind of risk I’m willing to take:

  • am I fine with having my stables swapped to other stables ? If so, which stables am I comfortable with ?
  • am I fine with my stables bridged across networks ? If so, which networks am I comfortable with ?
  • am I fine with my investement locked for some period ? If so, what is the max period ? If I’m not fine with locking my investement, what is my acceptable level for principal loss in case of instant withdrawal ?
  • which protocols / products I’m fine with Summer.fi using underneath ? Note: this is actually the only knob that is curated right now by Summer.fi

Ideally, I would go through such questionaire and get presented with potential APY. I would also be able to choose from predefinied options.
