PGov Delegate Statement

PGov Delegate Statement


We are a team of dedicated governance enthusiasts who have been in the governance space for over four years. Our team were some of the first members involved in defi governance and we want to apply what we have learned over the years to Summer. Members of the team have been using Summer and accruing points for many months now. We intend to keep and hold any tokens that arise from these points long term, aligning ourselves financially with the DAO. We’re excited to become delegates and are grateful to be along for the journey!

Core Values:

  • Growth: Our decisions are primarily focused on the growth of the protocol. This often results in how to spend money efficiently, but even more importantly and objecting for unreasonable spends and knowing when to vote no.
  • Transparency: Clear communication with votes and explanations of reasoning, and an equivalent demand for proposals to do the same. Too often we see thousands, if not millions, being rolled up together and glossed over during proposals.
  • Accountability: Too often once a decision is done, having proper accountability becomes an afterthought. Whether it’s a DAO promise or a grant or a new program, once a DAO votes something in, we forget about it. Our goal with PGov is to both continue to check in on these decisions as well as ensure that there are proper channels set up to ensure accountability.

Conflicts of Interest:

If situations arise, we will abstain from a vote, and clearly state the conflict on the forums.