[RFC] ARK onboarding for proposed EURC Vault on Base

Title: Ark Onboarding for proposed EURC Vault on Base
Author(s): Javier
Related Discussions: Onboard EURC to Base
Submission Date: 03-Ma-2025

As part of the proposed EURC Vault onboarding proposal onto Base, this RFC suppliments the proposal with the proposed initial arks to deploy it with.

This RFC proposes to onboard Morpho Moonwell Flagship EURC, Morpho Steakhouse EURC, Fluid EURC market and Moonwell lending market.

We are now hovering around 40M and it’s time to keep growing our user base and add more fleets and arks to keep momentum. More fleets and ARKs mean more alternatives for users to deposit their assets in Lazy Summer Protocol eventually leading to organic growth.

Morpho Moonwell Flahship EURC: 0xf24608E0CCb972b0b0f4A6446a0BBf58c701a026
Morpho Steakhouse EURC: 0xBeEF086b8807Dc5E5A1740C5E3a7C4c366eA6ab5
Fluid: 0x1943FA26360f038230442525Cf1B9125b5DCB401
Moonwell Lending Market: 0xb682c840B5F4FC58B20769E691A6fa1305A501a2

To be defined as this is the RFC.


I strongly support the onboarding of EURC on Base. There are Tier 1 protocols already including EURC within their markets. It’s a fiat backed stablecoin with strong liquidity. EURC will provide stablecoin diversification within the Lazy Protocols low risks strategies.


I agree with the overall direction of this proposal to onboard an EURC Vault on Base and the proposed initial ARKs. Expanding our offerings and user base is crucial for continued growth.

The selection of Morpho Moonwell Flagship EURC, Morpho Steakhouse EURC, and Fluid EURC market aligns with our strategy of utilizing established and reputable protocols.

However, I want to highlight that integrating the Moonwell Lending Market will require dedicated development resources. This integration will necessitate development and testing to ensure compatibility and security.

Therefore, while I support the inclusion of the Moonwell Lending Market, it’s essential to factor in the development effort and time required. We should prioritize this integration based on available resources and the overall roadmap.

In summary, I support the proposed ARKs, with the understanding that the Moonwell Lending Market integration will require additional development effort.

Tagging @Block_Analitica


Can the team respond back on how much dev effort and time is required here? Can Moonwell help with this as well?

I am very supportive of onboarding EURC on base, but would like to hear a response for the above.

Based on a quick docs review, it should be a quick thing.

My only concern is the WELL tokens - not sure how to claim them yet ( I’m only using the Flagship EURC on my own, not moonwell directly). If that’s Angle Merkl then we are fine, we could sweep them to the auction contract and auction them off.

I could create a PR with Moonwell this week / early next week, and would be great to get someone from Moonwell to review it.

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Having had similar issues on Reserve protocol wrt claiming MORPHO tokens for their vaults and then rebasing them. It took a decent amount of dev effort, but unlocks a whole new class of strategies…

Definitely something to consider.

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For visibility, I did 90% of the work on Friday. I hope to finalize the ark today and have it reviewed asap.